How does FitScore® work?

FitScore® measurements are meant to inform you of your physical and physiological condition.
Test results present the impact and effectiveness of your exercises numerically. It also gives you a starting point and a roadmap to the exercises you want to be doing. You can numerically track your progress instead of from the mirror.
It's important that you read the Getting Ready manuelle before your FitScore® testing for accurate test results. Your trainer will assume that you have read this document and have abided by the instructions within it.


Health Check

Risk Clasification

Regular exercise is fun, healthy and safe for many of us. However, before commencing exercise and testing a health check is crucial in order to determine risk factors. The health check flags individuals who need to be medically evaluated before starting their exercise routine. It identifies cases that need special exercise prescriptions. Your health check will determine which exercise conditions you are fit for.

Body composition analysis

The method used to test body composition can differ based on the center providing the FitScore® testing. Regardless of the testing method, the only data assessed by the test is the body fat percentage. However, when doing a before and after contrast of this data, it is important that you ensure that the testing method used and testing conditions are identical.

Cardiovascular Capacity (max VO2) Assessment

The method used to test Cardiovascular Endurance can differ based on the center providing the FitScore® testing. Different testing protocols such as treadmill (km/h), cycling, arm ergometry (Watt), stairs, etc. that require cardiovascular work can be used.
Regardless of the testing method the data measured is maxVO2. Its unit is ml/dk/kg. It is a measure of the amount of oxygen used per kg of body weight.

Flexibility Assessment

The flexibility of the areas that affect your daily life the most are assessed. Flexibility impacts your life standard. The common method of sit & reach testing assesses the flexibility of your hamstring and lower back in cm units. If requested more in depth flexibility testing can be conducted through the Smart Fitness Software. The software can assess all the data from all your joints measured with a goniometer.

Upper Extremity Strength Assessment

There is a rich variety of upper extremity testing methods and protocols use in FitScore® testing. Testing can be done with a single protocol. However, testing can be done using multiple protocols at once as well. MeMap Smart Fitness Software, analyses these measurements to calculate the relative strengths of a person. The Algorithm assesses strength testing with regard to age and gender to generate the upper extremity strength component of the FitScore®.

Core Endurance Assessment

The strength and resistance of muscles are closely related to spinal health. It has a large impact on a person's quality of life. Body testing is measured as time or repetition for an exercise. MeMap Smart Fitness Software assesses the input from tests. Body scores are calculated relative to a person’s age and gender and are reflected on the FitScore®.

Lower Extremity Strength Assessment

The muscle groups of largest size and power are located in the lower extremities. For this reason this is perhaps the hardest and most important part of the FitSkor® testing. MeMap Smart Fitness Software assesses the data it receives either in units of repetition or duration to generate a lower extremity strength score with age and gender in consideration. This is reflected on your FitScore®

Your FitScore® Report

Once your FitScore® testing is complete the results are registered to the MeMap Smart Fitness Software by your trainer. Your results are immediately assessed and a tailored exercise plan is generated. Details of your exercise strategy based on your current condition and test results are shared with you. If you work with a trainer regularly, who registers your result with the software, you can track your FitScore® in real time. During the duration of your FitScore® license you can view your data and information through your profile page.